I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

I solemnly swear I won't help anyone no more.

(Fucking bitch dragged me till 3 A.M, NO SHE'S NOT WORTH IT)

  • 3
    That sucks. :(

    (It’s “anymore/any more”, btw :))
  • 2
    "she's not worth it" is not such worthy opinion, though
  • 1
    Helping people is so rarely worth it.

    Almost every time I go out of my way to help someone, they eat most of my day and energy, cost me quite a bit in gas/money/etc., and rarely even say "thank you." Furthermore, they often come back and ask for more help and/or lean on me for everything they can thereafter.

    It's almost never worthwhile.
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