I'm officially convinced that my computer is cursed by now:

I get a Oculus Touch Bundle. Connect it to the computer, both sensors through USB 2, HMD too. One of them on an extension cord, experimental 360 degree setup (and yes, I'm covering the lenses when not playing).
Works great for a couple weeks, then I start getting 8603 and 8609 errors (USB connection bad or too little bandwidth. Usually happens when you do something else on the same USB controller).
Trying all of the setups that comply with the setup manual, none works...

... Thinking "fuck it, can't get any worse now", I connect both sensors to the USB 3 ports on my board (A big thou shalt not according to the manual).

Works perfectly. No lag, no loss of tracking.

Well, I guess if something applies to 99.9% of all computers in the world, mine is among the 0.1%. I'm a living corner case, 🤣

Guess I'll move to the Netherlands and become a Ganja farmer.

  • 1
    Well, the Oculus sensors are supposed to be on USB 3, only if you have a third sensor you can use it in USB 2
  • 0
    @albi Really? I remember that interactive handbook thing say "connect only one USB 3 sensor per card, put the others on USB 2". In that case...
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