The other day we had a little celebration because a website went live.

It’s weird

Somehow it’s easy to spent €100 on celebration food and drinks but it’s hard to sign a €90 paper and allow me to upgrade my computer just a tiny bit.

  • 10
    100 euro for a whole team or 90 euros for each person in a team...

    Because if you get an upgrade everyone wants it.
  • 1
    Partially true but right now i am being hold back in my project by it, and others are not. Some even already have a upgrade in place even or just started here with a brand new macbook!
  • 2
    Being in charge of IT stuff I recently asked if we could get our new designer an extra screen but I was told we didn't need to spend $150 on an HD screen for our designers. We just bought a Bud Light Office Bud-e, for those that don't know what this is, it's a smart beer cooler which has a phone app that will allow you to adjust the temperature of the cooler, get stock, and even send you notifications when inventory runs low.

    ( Link: https://officebud-e.com//#landing )
  • 0
    @sylar182 at least your office has their priorities straight.
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