
After pissing me off for month or so with it's stupid bsods I've decided it's time to move on. Fuck windows.

  • 3
    @Kitohe a very very wise decision!
  • 1
    Are you selling that GTX 970?
  • 0
    What monitor outputs 3600x1080?
  • 0
    @dayo two monitors 1920x1080 + 1680x1050
  • 5
    Nice choice of distro. I regularly try out new Linux distros but I always end up back with Arch Linux.
  • 1
    More like fuck your garbage hardware. A BSOD 9/10 times means you have jank hardware. Either something ate a bit too much static electricity, some component ran too hot for too many years, something was faulty after manufacturing but not faulty enough to completely die etc. Sure Linux can basically run on fried memory and an SSD that's hit max wear values but really the problem is likely not Windows it's likely your hardware.
  • 0
    @asinglenoob yeah problem was with some drivers. My oc is stable under 24h prime and memtest showed no errors and everything is running cool so I doubt it's hardware problem
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