Ctrl + W allows to select the word, then the sentence, around your cursor inside a JetBrains software.

Ctrl + W allows you to FUCKING close the current tab in any FUCKING web browser

  • 1
    Related to keyboard shortcuts, why does chrome and Firefox include ctrl+shift+Q shortcut to close the browser instead of alt+f4?
  • 2
    I work with OSX and Windows, that's where the shortcut struggle really begins.
    Especially when your Keyboard has a German layout, you live in Switzerland but you type in US.
    Windows+L for example searches or locks your screen.
  • 1
    That’s why most modern IDEs including KetBrains offer you to select keyboard shortcuts layout on startup like Visual Studio, Eclipse etc...
  • 1
    Aaand C-w is used to cut text in emacs.
  • 0
    @DrPitLazarus Because browsers are under the impression that they are the universe and have no need for such trivialities as operating system conventions.
  • 2
    and ctrl+shift+t allows you to reopec recently closed tabs B-)
  • 2
    @lun0 well I said "maj" but it should have been "shift" I guess
  • 0
    And CTRL+SHIFT+T brings it back. You're welcome
  • 1
    @Awlex please read both my tags and two comments before yours 😂
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus why do I learn about this only now 😢
  • 0
    I always change all of my key commands in intelliJ software when I first get it
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    @DrPitLazarus guess who decided to remove F buttons from their keyboards =D
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    @Drillan767 wtf is maj?
  • 0
    @Awlex -> shift in english I guess (majuscule in french)
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