
a quick 'bug' fix to my laptop...

Wonder if anyone can detect what it is...

  • 1
    @json-Bourne Key switch broke... Had to find a quick alternative... 😂
  • 4
    What about C key?Is it possible that you use too many times ctrl-c + ctrl-v??
  • 2
    @Unai maybe mistyped too much xD
  • 5
    @Unai @MigliSt a coffee mug decided to feed the keyboard with its goody goodness...V had umm..caffeine withdrawal issues and in the end broke... others managed to pull through ...
  • 0
    Is it the red light under the tape?
  • 1
    msi laptop? I bought one (msi GE63VR 7RE)with the same keyboard but i am really unsatisfied >_< the keyboard layout is a little weird (which kinda sucks for programming) and the keys keep squeaking 😡 also the casing is competely low quality, it is all plastic and it bends and crackles under the weight of my hands... unfortunately it took me too long to decide I dont want it, so I will have to try to sell it somewhere... anyone looking for good laptop components? 😅😂
  • 1
    @simulate MSI Gt73vr 6re here. You are on point. Expected so much better build quality from them. Plastic in it is quite poor.
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