36 Tb Of Cloud storage?
Ref: http://1mtb.com/how-to-get-36-tb-fr...
Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

Hey guys
was browsing on Cloud storage and found this Pearl...
Virtually unlimited storage.
I know It's a Chinese service (so privacy = null) but to place huge files...
Who knows or uses this service that can provide us with some info?

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    @AlpineLinnix tou what?
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    @AlpineLinnix OH sory, tought you were talking about a specific tool lol :p

    That's an Idea... I only used TrueCrypt volumes to far, how what would you recommend to encrypt and decrypt files automaticly?
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    nice idea, can make a script to synchronize ...
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    You can use incrontab to automatically run sh scripts on files moved to a specific folder.
    I use that for encrypting and decrypting my backups.
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    When I free my keyboard I'll search that thanks.
    Wanted a reason to learn .Sh, and with windows having power shell now... (yep I'm a windows user)
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    Oh wow :D
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    Sorting to old resistors my brother left behind...

    Of course he only left what wasn't practical, like a box of mixed resistors...
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    Buaaa need two diode 1n4148 to finish my project for today :(

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    Awesome mate thanks I've been searching back for this website for almost a year. haha.
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    Ah they want a Phone Number 😒
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    @Squarety lol thats a bad one
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    @GyroGearloose :( So I have to find a friend with a Chinese Number.. (Joke).
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    @Squarety Well, the second best I found is Mega.nz with 50Gb...
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    @GyroGearloose I have already 3 accounts with them and probably in the next future another but with 1TB. Lol
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    @Squarety That's a lot of space... You know... you don't need to keep your porn anymore..
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    Haha, I already own the Brazzer Datacenter in Montreal so I do not need to store them on a cloud. (#Sarcasm)


    It really work? Thanks!
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    @Squarety :p Well I can't fill 20Gb of data, but I only save small files, code, tutorials, stuff like that
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    @GyroGearloose For myself as I have 6 months of backups of my 2 servers I need a place where I can store 6x20-30gb. :(
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    @Squarety WOW that's lots of shit :p

    Well, for us users that's like, WOW.

    For you professional techies that's nothing hehehe :p

    Well, You can mount a server for local backups.

    Any cheap low power device (old phone, raspberry,..) connect it with a 1T + Hd or any that you have laying arround, One extra backup for cheap.

    Other alternative that I Saw and really liked:

    Powered USB 3.0 with 4 USB 3.0 pendrive (they are already at 0.5T and next year we may get a few 256Gb for cheap), next part i'm taking out of memorry, but you can make a Raid drive, the more USB pen drives, the faster it gets because they share the load. Or can just go for a huge array of pendrives.

    Just some options for Backups in house :p
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