Si I live in México, and a big university is giving this 8 day course on machine Learning and automated robotics and I was accepted!! And I'm super pumped, because I really want to work in the industry and love taking any posible oportunity to learn something new.
This also is a perfect excuse to travel to Guadalajara and get all of my questions about the university answerd
There it is, I just wanted to be excited somewhere else xd

  • 1
    Muchas felicidades!!! Existe mucha demanda en M.L en Mexico?? Como son las cosas en cuestiones de trabajo para los programadores en donde vives?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Como dije, quiero entrar en la industria, soy de Puerto Vallarta y apenas estoy en 5to semestre de prepa así que no sabría decirte, pero tengo entendido que si hay empresas que contratan aquí, pero no me consta
    (Pd: Gracias xd)
  • 2
    Como moi aldbs ghdhsl buzza fuzza luzza acharte macarte .. hata la vista mexicano milliano japano ita micano i am a super filano πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    English please! We want to be inπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

    Espero que mis palabras aleatorias o esta traducción no transmitan ningún mensaje incorrecto
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    @TitanLannister Okey xd
    He asked about job opportunities in Mexico, and since I still have a year until University I don't have any idea :p
  • 1
    Oh okay . Anyways welcome to devrantπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜œ
  • 2
    @TitanLannister lmao google translate did not fail you. I was basically wondering if there is a lot of demand for M.L in Mexico. As in startups etc.
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