
It is always good to get rid of bad blood.

Hire slowly, fire quickly, do both decisively.

Don’t get emotional. Your emotions will betray you.


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    How about hiring me? 😝 See my last rant as a reference
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    @pretzlerich Sorry. But you need 10 years experience in a technology that has only existed for 7 years...

    Joking of course. I wish you luck finding the first gig!
  • 3
    @leanrob haha thank you rob :)

    I will take all of you advice on board. although I am doing many of those things already. I am so focused on learning I can't even begin to describe the drive and passion I have for app development. I'm sure I will get a job eventually. I work hard so I'm almost certain it will pay off some day
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    @pretzlerich Yes. You are on the right track.

    With that attitude and drive it is only a matter of time until you succeed.

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    In case there are any HR fucknuts or dilbertesque managers lurking around, pleasuring themselves while reading "fire fast" over and over..

    Fire fast doesn't mean fire someone for their first mistake or without just cause/documentation.

    Fire fast just means let an employee go as soon as it's certain that he/she will continue to underperform in future which can't be fixed. The advantage is that they'll be out before the company starts losing money because of em and others won't lose morale by seeing someone work constantly under pressure of being fired at a later time.
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