When an application leaves a context menu item floating on top of all other Windows and you have no idea which process is the culprit!

  • 5
    Open TaskMgr, start killing processes which might have a context menu saying "Export List..."

    Process of Elimination. Find the culprit. Burn it with fire.
  • 0
    @rozzzly I was pretty sure it was mmc.exe but I've destroyed all those! Probably quicker to log out and back in.
  • 4
    Kill 'Em All... Burn Evvverythimg!!!
  • 1
    Just happened today :/
  • 2
    I use xkill when it happens on linux
  • 1
    @Alireza6677 the solution in Windows seems to be to kill the dwm (desktop window manager) process.
  • 2
    "tskill dwm"?
  • 0
    @jakej5 This is indeed the answer!
  • 2
    @SirCrisp thank you 😄😄
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