
*Intensely staring the screen and solving a problem in my head, I can feel I'm close to the final answer, the answer to the truth, the holy Line of Code and that it will forever chang-*
PM: hey, do you know why my mouse doesn't click anymore?


  • 3
    That's just bad, why don't people respect the fact others ARE WORKING! damn this world is so messed up :\
  • 3
    @gitpush most people don't have any idea or even conceive how programmers work, so if we don't type 1000 chars/minute or do something else than just staring blankly at a screen, they think we're not working

    I started muttering what I'm doing, I noticed j get slightly less bothered :D
  • 2
    @Phlisg I ended this by being rude to everyone that asks me while I'm working. And sometimes I don't even answer and if they isisnt I be like: can't you see I'm working!!
  • 0
    Then there are *those* people, who believe programmers are just being pretentious assholes (or lie), and if we really can't handle interruptions there is clearly something wrong with our workflow.
  • 1
    @gitpush I've tried the rudeness thingy, but ended up bringing more negativity at my workplace than anything else :/

    But yeah, people should realise that coding is mostly thinking, not writing frenetically on the keyboard...
  • 1
    @Phlisg up to you but for me I don't care honestly me and boss agree that tasks to be done and it ain't my problem to each or answer ppl
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