how to stop a Android phone from changing IPs
hey guys
Don't know why, sometimes my Android server changes IPs (without restart), that fucks the exit of services....
Like, don't know why, http always works even when IP changes
but WebDav stops working.... I mean, I can use inside the network but I want to access it from the outside.

  • 3
    Go to your wifi settings then edit your wifi settings, choose static instead of dhcp and enter your own ip
  • 4
    Like internal IP address? It it is you should look in your router settings and see about making a static IP address for your phone that will lock to it's MAC address.

    If it's your external IP that's changing then what you are looking for is a commercial account with your ISP as comsumer accounts are dynamic.
  • 2
    @andpeterson that's outdated, you just use something like no-ip to keep it updated; https://www.noip.com or duckdns; https://www.duckdns.org
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    sorry :p Been busy today...

    I ended up ducking the right answer (how to specify a static IP on Android)

    One more step done, one less problem to worry about.
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    Now I must call my ISP provider lol they give a DDNS service for free (1 address associated to the current IP, no DDNS updates on the server needed). but can't get the fucking thing to work...

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    @JoshBent I use no-ip, but found out that my ISP also provides the same service (limited to 1 address)
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    Update, ISP DDNS now works... guess just took them two days to activate it lol
  • 1
    Everything is good now, thanks :p
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