Dear coworker,

We have a very nice SASS setup so WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU POLLUTING OUR HTML WITH INLINE STYLES!?!?!? It's not like it's even necessary to use inline in this case, I can achieve the same thing by just moving your styling to the scss files. So I ask again, WHY THE FUCK???

A mildly pissed person who hates front-end dev work

  • 2
    Inline styles?! My eyebrow is now twitching. M
  • 1
    Speak politely to your colleague. Find his experience with CSS preprocessors. If he's a novice then suggest some resources to self-study. I have interviewed at least 20 frontend developers in the past and most of them surprisingly didn't practice it well.
    Don't you have a way of working or best practices defined somewhere? Perhaps, you can share this documentation to your colleague. I believe you do have code reviews. Write your comments there so he may fix his mistakes and improve.
  • 0
    Does he even know...? Then again, even then it shouldn't be inlined.

    That's why I'd do code quality tests before merging..
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