Something is really fucking wrong with people in my company. They fucking calling me after 5PM on Friday when the server is down. What part of my role you fuckers don't understand. I'm not a Network Engineer and I don't have fucking access to the fucking server.

Call the fucking Network Engineer. If his not picking up his phone then that's his fucking problem not mine.

(Bang the Table) Fuck this shit

  • 4
    What's your role?

    Edit: lol I'm dumb, forgot I'm on DEVrant
  • 5
    @jonii regardless, devRant is not only for devs, there are also sysadmins and people from all information tech fields that are spewing their frustrations here.

  • 2
    @wannabee you're right, now I feel even dumber, totally forgot that (eventhough I was a sysadmin not too long ago)
  • 2
    I've spoken with many people where the developers are the sysadmins in their organizations. I think the separation of concern, however obvious and beneficial, is a luxury not all companies can afford.
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