
So I was thinking about learning to write some Go code. I downloaded it and it didn't work. I struggled for hours just to get it to execute a file, but I could not get it working for packages.

Never have I stumbled upon a language that's working AGAINST me.

I gave up, Go beat me. I removed everything on my computer related to Go. Fuck Go!

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    and im njpying go . it is so fun.
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    checkout the installation page of go. it is pretty much everything.
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    pretty much the relationship between me and eclipse
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    what were your problems ? for me I install go through my unattended env bootstrapping script (to show you how much it's smooth)
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    @rookiemaverick I did, multiple times. I've now moved on to Ruby on Rails but I'll be back to try Go again.

    It may have won the battle but not the war.
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    @skonteam errors everywhere. If you could link me that script I would be grateful.
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    @KeyWeeUsr yeah eclipse is also a hassle. Have you tried any other IDE? I can really recommend JetBrain products. For Java the IDE is called IntelliJ.
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    @simeg I pretty much hate java and I don't use it, but it's a good reminder that everytime I, for whatever reason, consider even trying it again, I look at that eclipse logo and I can rest peacefully. ^^
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