

Finally managed to implement a proper E2E testing solution for our app with Protractor and Jasmine. Some basic tests (login and dashboard) are already working.

I'm just so happy to automate everything, going to cut down our manual testing time from 2h to about 20 to 30min if I'm estimating this correctly.

That's all. Just wanted to say I'm very happy with the results 😊

  • 0
    I'm craving for this. tho 20-30mins still too much
  • 1
    @justmove hopefully we'll get it lower as we refine the tests and scenarios, but for starters it should be OK, I guess
  • 0
    @Avyiel yea coming from a fully automatically tested project to one with 2-4h manual testing is a PITA. so 20-30mins would also be a good start here. difficult since i'm backend and the frontend guys need to step it up there.
  • 1
    @justmove that's a long ass testing session, man. I wish you luck with your front end peers
  • 0
    @Avyiel luckily i don't need to do the testing. but it's always a big thing to release a new version
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