
My weekly schedule:



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    The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join ...
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    @heyheni if only my boss would allow that lmao

    Become my own boss you say? Sure. I can be, while living under a tree or maybe, if I can pay the rent, a bridge.
  • 4
    You know you should sleep more than one day a week.
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    @jonii The matter of 'should' and 'being able to' is different. Though, I try to sleep inbetween the shit days, and will wreck and stretch my Weekend for as long as I can.
  • 3
    @xewl to me it sounds like you really hate your job, maybe you should start looking for something else, which is more fun for you, whatever advantage your job now has, it's not worth if it sucks imo
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    @jonii yeah ecommerce dev does not sound fun at all.
  • 3
    It's more of a joke, but yeah, some days are Shiiiiit

    I'm "pretty happy" with the job though..
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    @jonii also, the sleep "deprivation" isn't a direct result to the job either. It's apparently just how my body, brain, my inner self or idk wants it to be.

    I don't only focus on that job as much as I can, I keep learning, searching, seeking..

    My being-late days - by far 20 minutes- , are fairly minimal and mostly not my fault, I can blame public transportation, roadworks and traffic roughly 95% of the time. I can only remember 2 real kinda-my-own-fault instances where I really and actually overslept while being on this job. And that's when I forgot to put my alarm on the correct sound card... so...

    Something must still be dragging my ass there willingly. +.+
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    If every day at work is a shit day, you should switch to another work place
  • 6
    Looks like even at the sleep scheduler level we're alike, haha. Well yeah every day is shit until proven otherwise.

    Regarding sleep.. don't forsake it, but then who am I to say anything about it? Right now my biological clock has scheduled to waking up at 10pm and currently I'm already up since yesterday (as in yester-yesterday, actual yesterday) 10PM.. more than.. 24+08:45? 32 hours 45 minutes? Soon gonna hit the pillows though, my brain is already shutting down. Just a sleep cigarette and that's it.

    But considering that I stayed up for an all-dayer (if that even exists) just to get my schedule back to "social construct normal".. hah, so much for that I guess :')
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    @xewl sleep deprivation actually is no joke, it can be harmful for your health. If you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep, maybe you should see a doctor about it.
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    @jonii I'm quite aware of that. Thyroid's too small ;) And I'm still usually the most awake and sane person, and sure to know when I've hit my limit if so.

    @Condor Night night! xD
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    @aviad-rom if so, probably.
    Take it as a joke though: every work-day is a shit day. I enjoy the weekend, and sleep in a bit on Sundays. Usually just til about 1pm, kinda normal if I'm up until 3-4am..

    You guys all see this too black & white xD
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    @xewl Alright :d
    And yeah probably took it a bit to serious, but got worried, because I want us all to be happy(:
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    @jonii 🤗
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