
I have been playing skyrim on my switch. The reason is simple, family watches movies or whatever, and I get to sit comfortably in my little screen shooting mofockas with my bow(i made an archer build)

Its my first time playing the game after all these years and I love it, far better than I expected. The story is great and the side quests are fun instead of boring, it does not take much to learn how to craft, enchant etc and I dig the simplicity.

But it has got to be one of the buggiest glitchiest majorly famous game I had ever played. Literally, and I have it for both the ps4 and the switch and it still is so fucking buggy its unbelievable.

  • 2
    Ever heard of TES II: Daggerfall? It beats Skyrim on glitches and bugs... 😂
  • 2
    @Qaldim lmao its like the have a history on that shit
  • 3
    Bethesda and bugs are good friends, lol
    The best Skyrim experience is on PC, though, because mods. They even fix a lot of bugs.
    Can't beat a Switch in convenience though.
  • 0
    Man, I love that game. I really want to revisit it. I've been thinking about maybe getting involved in the Beyond Skyrim mod project as those guys are doing some amazing work.

    Oh, and you should round off your collection with the "Skyrim: Very Special Edition" on Alexa 😂
  • 0
    I have Daggerfall on PC, Oblivion and Skyrim on X360. I am quite pleased they turn out on the console, I rarely had an issue with them! 😊
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