
Looking to get a good understanding of the fundamental ideology and math behind neural networks and support vector machines. I am well versed with math so I can deal with heavier stuff if needed, I would like to see formulas but an explanation to their conception would be nice. Does anyone have any resources like this? Practical hands on practice exercises would be a plus

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    I am using this to study neural networks and deep learning


    Great resource and the mathematical examples are on point.

    It is in situations like these when I thank my University for making me go thorough all those math classes. I enjoy math, but have never consider myself a natural at it. If I can follow this and have fun then you will have a blast!! I have another resource that is very extensive in regards to statistical analysis which is heavily used in data pre processing, but i would have to get to my computer to give you the link.

    Lemme know what you think about this resource!
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    @AleCx04 school has been a bit hectic lately I haven't opened devrant in a bit but thanks for the suggestion I will definitely check it out and get back to you!
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