
Give me a reason to switch to Vim from Sublime/Atom?

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    If you enjoy to punish yourself do it.
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    I really like Atom but what are the pro's of Vim?
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    you can ssh into any box and have the same interface...
    never touch your mouse again..
    be an el337 hax0r..
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    They all have their place. Vim is excellent for viewing/editing large files (e.g. gigabytes).

    I program Ruby with Vim, Java with Intellij. In Intellij I use Vim bindings to get bindings that don't break my wrist.
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    @azanebrain only if you have your vimrc and plug-ins there, plug-ins from NFS are sooooo slow...
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    it opens up instantaneously.
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    use both! vim is great to check very large files and to work in remote boxes and sublime is very comfortable and has a lot of productivity plugins that help you get the most out of your local env.
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    vim is more effective for languages like Python, Ruby, Bash and so on (something which is not C#/Java)
    i use it. it works great for me. totally advise it to you. you'll be amazed how fast it becomes.
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    @ozelentsov oh rly? Why is that? How you manage to go through rails project easily? Ctrl+p and nerd tree are just way behind sublime features (like goto any symbol in project xtrl+shift+r)
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    @alkuzad there are plugins for your needs..it is a trade off of vim but its mode-action-movement-count system is special thing about Vim. i am not sure about ruby, I've just heard about a lot of Ruby programmers using vim. so i apologize if it doesn't work for you, whatever i say is just opinion based. but python+vim works for me just great..
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