Fuck, I keep missing PRs and comments, because github doesn't notify if you're not directly tagged, is there some better way to get notified about things like new PR on your repos or generally notifications?

  • 4
    Yes. You can add hooks to run scripts before/after different events of CRUD operations of branches/commits.

    Check in your .git directory for git-hooks or hooks, maybe somewhere in the examples folder, i dont quite remember.

    Anyway, you can add these hooks to run scripts on the remote repository server or/and on your local repository.
  • 1
    Webhook and twilo will solve the problem
  • 4
    Isn't that what the "watch" button does?
    Also, I think there's a setting to automatically watch new repos on your organization.
  • 2
    @rookiemaverick overkill, expensive
    @bioDan setting up webhooks for all my repos feels like a lot of pain, I thought of some kind of tool that I can just keep running that gives me notifs or something or a service that notifies me via email
    @shellbug I think it only subs to issues not PRs?
  • 3
    @JoshBent well, PRs are pretty much issues, but I don't know. I don't usually watch repos.
  • 3
    @JoshBent well if your repo is in GitHub, did you try:


  • 3
    "You can watch a repository to receive notifications for new pull requests and issues that are created. "

  • 3
    @bioDan damn, I was 2 minutes too late. 😅
  • 3
    Btw, doesn't solve the problem but this might be interesting regarding github notifications:

  • 3
    @shellbug @bioDan "You can subscribe to *individual* conversations in issues, pull requests" not what I am after, I have set the watch stuff in the settings now and "watch"d all my repos, hopefully that solves it, also thanks @shellbug for the octobox thing, looks really interesting, thanks! though no email notifications or mobile app integration it seems.
  • 2
    Watch indeed gives you notifications on new events on issues and PRs, check your notification settings in github
  • 1
    @psukys awesome, have set that up, that only confirms it then :)
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