not sure why they don't just make it free and have a donate option 😀

  • 8
    I've always wondered, did they forget to add a check if it's been 40 days and then decide to roll with it? or is it a.. buy to stop the pop-up method? hmm
  • 5
    @iDanoo may be they just thought people are so honest that they would stop using it after 40days without paying 😂
  • 4
    So they could sue companies who use it past its trial period. Your average joe won't have enough money to milk.
  • 2
    Its because all the available versions are mastered with a rootkit which will allow your computer to join an army of zombie computers across the world to do the bidding of the dear hacker in charge of the rootkit at his bidding when and how he wants. As @StefanH eluded to, start using the free and much more efficient 7Zip and save yourself and your computer from prying eyes and rootkits
  • 1
    WinRaR has excellent command line capabilities!
  • 2
    Windows 10 in 2007 and 2056?
  • 2
    @lusu I'm pretty sure that's Windows 8/8.1.
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