
Family: So what did you study at school?
Me: Software Engineering
Family: So you can make websites?

  • 5
    ...and a whole lot more that can improve the world!
  • 18
    Then that's typically followed by... 'Let me tell you about this awesome app idea'
  • 11
    Everything seems to be headed towards web based applications. As an backend developer with little to no design skills I have to carefully word my profession to avoid falling into the "my 14yo nephew makes websites too!" category.

    Not that there aren't some very talented teenage designers and developers out there, and my front end guys are amazing, but I write code dammit, databases and apis and other weird ass shit nobody sees.
  • 3
    @compSci or your (haven seen in a while) cousin is also studying SE, you should totally team up and start a company followed by (knows everything) uncle: yeah also this Andy cousin once installed my laptop, he would join you too, see you can build a company with just cousins! *true story*
  • 4
    @Tommy314 I would laugh but this is hitting home way too hard ._.
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