Just saw the first Iron Man again, but this time in english (never did it before (I'm stupid (but french dub is pretty nice tho))).

Poor dude developed his first armor with some kind of Vista running computer, I can't begin to imagine his pain during the process

  • 0
    what do you mean using vista ? did they montion it ?
  • 3
    @wowotek No but Vista got released in 2006, while Iron Man aired in 2008, plus, I took that screenshot from the scene where they starting off the first iron suite and Stark's assistant is finishing the launching protocol: if you check the window's look, it's Vista, in green, but still Vista :D
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    @Drillan767 yup, and it's Arabic too.
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    @chabad360 if it's not urdu, i can read it anyways haha.
  • 1
    Im woundering what that code was supposed to do, it looks like some sort of message display function, but with a checksum check if it fails
  • 0
    @chabad360 thanks, I actually always wanted to know what was written!! :')
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