what is worse on stackoverflow:

1. getting downvoted to oblivion

2. having your question view'd multiple times with no response


  • 24
    Getting a 100 line paragraph as answer which gets dozens of upvotes and other people commenting "Best explanation I've ever seen"
    However, you still have still no clue what's he talking about
  • 14
    Achieving the "Tumbleweed" badge (I've got it): "Asked a question with zero score, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week."
  • 9
    Having to deal with some halfwit who objects to the question on God knows what grounds. Religious observance, philosophical purity, whatever.

    Ending up in a comments battle just to justify the fucking question.
  • 2
    What @8BitOverdose except a few users have voted to close your question.
  • 0
    Finding an answer thay does not work
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