

First night at a camping: waking up a gazillion times at night, everything hurts and I've got a headache.

Good morning to you too 😑

  • 6
    By day 20 or so, you're immune to this lol

    Edit: I didn't camp 20 days in a row, but I have camped like 30-40 nights total in like 5 years or so
  • 4
    @Stuxnet I've had three weeks in a row myself often 😅
  • 2
    I envy you! I want to go camping aswell.

    Well. Depends on where, but in a forest. Sure!
  • 3
    @linuxxx Ah hell nah. Fuck that lol

    As of August of 2017, my camping days are 100% over. I never enjoyed it. It's always hot as fuck or cold as fuck when I camp. Oh and it rained (not exaggerating at all) almost every trip.
  • 1
    Remember to drink a lot of water.
  • 3
    my last camping trip was a catastrophe. 20 of 40 were drunk (12 year olds) on the first evening.
  • 1
    @Synti Loads of water, beer and coffee ;)
  • 0
    Camping is nice when I'm at a festival and usually just sleep an hour anyway or when I'm traveling and camp somewhere else every night.
    But staying more than 3 days at one place or at a camping ground, meh
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