
Honestly, why does Microsoft still insist on pushing Edge and Bing?

  • 11
    It's like someone has two dumb kids but they still sending them to school.
  • 9
    there must be a browser for downloading chrome :p
  • 13
    Because they can not not push them. Dude give the current leadership a lot of respect. In the past few years the company's made a huge swing to the left in terms of listening to consumers (and not OEMs) and open sourcing a lot of shit to devs that's been closed source for over a decade.

    They're far from perfect, but they've been improving at a noticeable rate.

    But make no mistake, Microsoft is a corporation.
  • 6
    Microsoft, like google, Amazon, and Apple will __ALWAYS__ do what's in the best interest of their profit margin. A corp is nothing more than a sociological machine with the sole purpose generating profit.

    If anyone within the machine starts promoting policies which, although good for us, might hurt M$'s ballance books, then that person gets removed.
  • 1
    Just suddenly being GGG is not a possibility for the execs of any big corporation. They have a fiduciary responsibility to deliver to their shareholders. If they don't, somebody else will.

    However the higher ups in MS have over the last few years been able to shift away from some of that. Awesome. Yet, Edge and Bing are their two foremost internet based-products.
  • 5
    They cannot just drop them, even if they're shit and everybody knows that because I would signal"MICROSOFT IS GETTING OUT OF THE INTERNET BUSINESS, EVERYBODY SELL SELL SELL." Share holders would flip shit, execs can't let that happen, so.... it won't happen. simple as that.

    IE was __SHIT__, but Edge is.. meh? well that's not too bad of a trade if you ask me. If they don't continue to improve, well then we can have this discussion again. They've made a tremendous show of good faith.
  • 1
    In the words of the honorable Cenk Uygur, "Credit given where Credit is Due."
  • 4
    As long as I dont have to add compatibility stuff for people using Edge, I dont give a fuck.
  • 3
    to distract you from them pushing azure...
  • 2
    @rozzzly is it just for me or does markdown not work here o.O
  • 3
    Microsoft recently conducted a battery test between ie, Firefox and chrome. Ie won by huge margin and they are now pushing it in everyone's face. #SMH
  • 1
    I guess your website have less users than Bing... so why do you keep on pushing it?
  • 1
  • 2
    "Bing is on track to generate roughly $5.3 billion in revenue for Microsoft's fiscal year ended June 30"
  • 2
    Because of $$$$$
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