
I hate this modern fad of "composed" , "modular" extension/plug-in development. ALL I want to do is add two dropdowns to a phpBB forum, one for users and one for a single admin setting.

Guess what? I need TEN fucking files to make this extension work. Fuck your fucked dependency injection, fuck learning your whole bloody "ecosystem" (kill me already), fuck having a "tutorial" that doesn't explain what half the settings are...

It really drives me nuts that I have to spread my code over so many files to make this work.

That said, I don't really hate phpBB, but maaaaaaaan, making the simplest, dumbest thing is unnecessarily complicated.


  • 2
    If we didn't follow that sort of development then you'd have to make changes across the entire codebase, not just ten files.

    But yes, this seems to be a broken system anyway, lol.
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