I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT when people say, "Can you look into it, in your spare time ?"

Why should I spend my spare time looking at company stuff ? Just WHY ? If you want me to look at it, then FUCKING PAY ME FOR IT!!!

  • 6
    Yes you can, juat simply state that you don't have any spare time 😅
  • 2
    To which I'm told, "I find it hard to believe that you don't have time to spare when you go back home. You're not serious about it"@psukys
  • 4
    "I got an even better idea than giving you work without you paying me money. You give me money while I don't work for your, how does that sound?"
  • 3
    @psukys Haven't thought of this one. Seems perfect.

    9AM - 5PM = Earning a paycheck

    5PM - 12PM = Thinking of ways to spend paycheck and spending paycheck

    12PM - 6AM = Sleeping

    6AM - 9AM = Getting ready for work and commuting to work

    Looks like I don't have any spare time boss, you might have to take this project and shove it up your ass.
  • 2
    By "look into" they mean that their code is full of crap and they want you to waste your 10 hrs debugging it only to find a silly typo somewhere
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