I starting to think, that I may actually be addicted to learning 😅 sound completely stupid, but I'm kinda stressed lately, so I wanted to take a day off, and not do anything.

But my mind kept being like "how does this work, how does that work, how do they fit together". I've never really tried before, to not research something, when I wanted to know how it worked, but Damn it's actually been hard not to...

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    It's normal, usually you are forced to learn something therefore it isn't pleasant, but when you study by yourself you accomplish some goal and it's nice. Same with games, you have quest and after you did it you get some chemical reward in brain.
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    @Omnisus yeah I completely get your point, however it's not just like that. I'll actually feel a need to research it, if it's something I want to know how works
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    How is that weird... We live in 2018 the world is amazing with all the tech and discoveries that's going on in so many fields.

    And then we have google to find out anything we want anytime.

    It would be weird not to be curious.
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    @dthree not really healthy when it ends up with me getting stress and headaches for a week 😅
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    @KasperNS Think about it like with eating candy, after eating something sweet your brain is rewarded and you feel good, so you will feel need to buy some sweetness when you see them, because your brain want this reward which comes from eating them. Same with gaining some knowledge, solving puzzles. Each of us could be more or less prone to certain thing, long distance runs, sweet food, sex, games etc.
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    I can't no longer edit, so about your problems. Try maybe diverse your free time, try to do some excercises, meditation or something like that just to free your mind. Maybe it could help, but I am not sure
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    @Omnisus I actually that's a really great analogy for how I'm feeling, because I do really feel good learning new things, it just ends up "hurting" me when I do it too much
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