I really hate fucking Wordpress!

I hate it's stupid API, with it's stupid hooks and actions and all those stupid functions and no fucking logic to any of it!

I hate it's stupid plugin system, with all that fucking overhead that brings no real value and adds all that complexity for nothing!

I hate stupid fucking multiple calls for the same fucking assets, loading them over and over again because every stupid plugin calls them again and again!

I hate motherfucking SHORTTAGS, or whatever the fuck they are called!

I hate that every stupid fucking plugin and shortcode and fucking every little fucking piece of HTML comes from a different fucking place, with different fucking structure and different fucking classes and stupid fucking loading seaquences that make no fucking sense!

And I hate fucking page builders !!!!!


I should be fucking coding on this fucking peace of shit, but I just cannot fucking take it any more!!!


It should be relegated to the darkest corners of the internet and all the servers that have it's fucking code anyware on their systems should be disconnected and buried in the deepest pits of hell, just to be sure it never, EVER, surfaces again!!!


  • 1
    @undef Like what? That WIX and what not?
  • 1
    @undef Never used them until now... I mostly use CakePHP as a backend framework.

    I have a custom CMS platform that I built on it, and I adapt it to my usual projects depending on what I need.
  • 3
    @undef I'm using GCC as static site generator - abusing the C preprocessor with macros, defines and ifdefs.
  • 3
    @Pyroklastik Gunnery Sergeant Hartman to Wordpress: "I bet you're the kind of CMS that would fuck a web dev in the ass and not even have the god-damn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you!"
  • 3
    @TylerDurden This is the most accurate comment about WordPress I’ve seen in a long time
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