
My professor said "I will use AI and Blockchain technologies to not let proxies happen ever".

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    And I'm gonna use blockchain powered GPS to help the world find itself more securely. Then, I will proceed to make a blockchain powered ai toaster that is more secure than normal toasters thanks to the blockchain. To finish off, I will make a blockchain powered blockchain so it's more secure and reliable. This will definitely help the world.
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    @EV-EV where is the RGB?
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    Blockchain powered display?
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    @cvonderstein I think the block chain is in the RGB Cloud developed by machine learning and AI block chain.
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    @NULLmaster I thought the blockchain and ai actually live in ABC and not RBG Cloud.
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    And I'll create an AI powered VPN to fuck your AI up until it's blocking every god damn connection, or has filled its hard drive with blocking rules.
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    @xewl Where is the blockchain? Is it powering the AI or VPN?
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    @EV-EV It's powering the connections inside the network, presumably?
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