
Just realized my handwriting skill is so bad -_-. i don't know how my classmate can write that good even we are dealing with keyboard everydamn class and homework.

  • 5
    You're not alone.

    Sometimes I can't even read my own hand writing.
  • 1
    I'd recommend a fountain pen since that you don't need (and in fact, even must not) use pressure when writing.
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    @LastDigitOfPi LOL 😂😂😂
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    If you think your handwriting is bad, im certan you havent seen mine...
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    @Stuxnet always.
    So much that I nvr made hand written notes ,even for theoretical subjects like biology. I was always like "nope, I'd read the whole book,making notes is of no use to me, because it will be illegible later. "
    I am so glad we don't have to write much with a pen now 😍. I hate writing!
  • 3
    @ceee I typed notes in all my classes: chemistry, political science, history, all of them. Except math lol
  • 1
    @Stuxnet wow ,that's a lot of work !
    I used the already typed notes 🤣 "the book". Also because, before college, I felt studying every single word of the book ,every single time was absolutely important. Sort of a FOMO 🤣
  • 2
    @ceee In history we didn't have notes to go by. The professor lectured from memory every class.

    In political science the professor wouldn't give us his slide shows, so we had to type or write the notes ourselves.
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    @Stuxnet oh! well then the notes are damn important.
    In our case ,there were govrment prescribed books for each subject. And a bunch of supplementary books,
    So didn't care much about the class notes, but I did write them 🙂 because teachers used to check our notebooks,even till the senior year of highschool
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