
Today was very good day for me:
one of my friend said he is going to buy new phone as his older phone is unrepairable (Android failed to boot). I took the phone installed twrp - unlocked bootloader and then flashed cynogen os and boom! android booted up.
Now they think me as a genius and says i wrote that Android OS, i tried saying its just a hack due to open source but they still think me as a HACKER! :)

  • 2
    Just roll with it. You've earned it 😎
  • 3
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". -- Arthur C. Clark

    Grats on the new phone
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    But i didn't do anything, just did the steps written on one of the blog. :)
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    But am feeling bad as when i do something great no one cares, this time i didn't do anything and getting praised. dont know what kind of people exists in this world.
  • 1
    @Iamsantosh I hear ya. :(. Ah well, at least you got a phone out of it. And you got us. We appreciate the tech miracles you can perform!
  • 1
    thank you :)
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