
So, after day 3 of Rust programming I have an observation to make:

Rust package management (and conflicts that arise) is not very good.

To the rusters out there, am I wrong? Is there something to make it better?

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    There is no better,
    only good enough
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    To me it seems really easy and straightforward to use. 🤔 I hate how the project directories get huge in size when you include many / big crates though
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    @kangalioo I find it easy to use for the most part.

    Have already ran into an issue where 2 crates depend on different versions of another crate.

    I’m amazed that one package updating a dependency can make everything fall down like a house of cards.
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    As a side note. What is your setup for debugging in Rust? On MacOS preferably using JetBrains IDE.
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    @karma might have posted in the wrong rant friend.

    Agree with your jQuery point though, even without context haha
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    @leanrob sorry mate, how this happen so often @dfox
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    @karma Was it user error? Or did it actually travel to the wrong rant?

    That’s interesting.
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    I corrected the issue client side manually, read m and wheep


    // cc @dfox
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    @leanrob not sure lol 🤷‍♂️🙈
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    @karma Always nice when the client is a bro!

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    Oh trust me I bro alot 🤓👍
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    Half my income go to art investments or Kickstarter shit 😳😭
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    @karma Yeah, I’ve done my fare share of Kickstarter funds. 50/50 I find on shit/good.

    I don’t buy art usually. I buy weed and make art haha
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    @leanrob cool! Art is always a good investment, not sure bout dat weed tho 🤔🤓

    But thenI'm just a simple dev, not a judge...
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    @karma Legit.

    I see it as an investment in myself. But it’s not for everyone.

    I live in a country that is about to legalize it actually, but that means very little to me.

    Just means that for the first time in my peaceful life I won’t be a criminal. So that’s pretty cool I guess.
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    @leanrob can u share / link some of your work? Always nice to spot some new artists work
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    @karma I’m not an artist really. I just like to paint and always wanted to be a video game designer.

    I would likely never post anything on the internet, because it is shit haha.

    Most of my creativity now come in the form of ideas for my next startup.
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    @leanrob no worries! Not mandatory required field 😳🖖 I did graff alot, also stuff thats not wise to share easily 🙈
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