
Do you think I should give Atom another shot or stick with VSCode?
I've tried it several times but I always found it sluggish, slow in everything and bugged. VSCode is so much smoother and fast.

But damn Atom is so much more good looking, especially with nebula theme.

It's like choosing between the nice, decent-looking guy and the rude but definitely good looking fuckboy chad

  • 12
    VSCode has some pretty dope themes as well.

    But that decision is totally up to you.

    Both are great and can offer you a fantastic workflow.

    Btw, you could also be that one guy who has like 15 text editors on his laptop and switches every hour between them depending on his mood.
  • 6
    @8BitOverdose who said you could look at my laptop? xD
  • 4
    @Zaphod65 Hahaha xD Nice! *fist bump*

    I once also was like that but I decided to rehab. Deleted all my text editors beside VSCode and Vim. Very painful but now I'm clean for some time
  • 1
    dont judge a book by its cover..definitely not an editor with its theme..thats so secondary
  • 3
    atom is literally a web browser with a text editor in it

    so slow

    dont go back to atom

  • 3
    i use jetbrains nd vim and i also like to cry myself to sleep
  • 1
    Check out night owl theme on vscode.

    Because of that theme, I want to buy dank.sh fonts.
  • 2
    Currently using VS Code with Atom Theme 🤷🏻
  • 2
    @jackconnorhull the absolute madman
  • 0
    There's a new option to replace the VSCode title bar and context menus with something more themey, perhaps that'll help?
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