
and another case of my parents discovering new technologies i alteady told them about:
my mum hast just found out about hyperloop, after watching on tv, and is like "wow omg that's incredible 😯😶🤔"
me thinking "well good you (finally) know about it, welcome to the future😅"
if i told them, they would be like "oh ok interesting" and then forget about it the next second😑😪

  • 1
    Maybe you talk too much and you are hard to pay attention to?

    Either that or your parents just don't give a fuck 😁

    But you know, they probably tell you things that you don't memorize because you just don't care.
  • 2
    @BigBoo first point kinda true, i was (and partly still am) a little hype kind of person😅🙈 talking here there random about those topics i was enthusiastic about, i've simply made my own grave😅
    on the other hand my parents and my surrounding not really interested in anything about these topics - except they are show on tv
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