found this gem in an open source project on github lately

  • 15
    I like this guy's style
  • 6
    It is almost like as if I would look into a mirror lol.
    I love that guy or girl for that.
  • 2
    What language has "internal" and "inline"?
  • 1
    @RAPTURED you mean the classical C? I thought that encapsulation was a principle of OOP rather than imperative languages! And I've only seen internal in C#!

    Do you have some links where I can look it up?
  • 0
    @RAPTURED That's a link for the inlining, which I'm very well aware of :)

    But accessor modifiers? In an imperative language? And in C? Never heard of that, are you really sure that's C? I'm pretty sure that won't compile with gcc
  • 1
    That's C# and if I'm not mistaken that's Xamarin

    cuz in Objective-C code would be something like:

    CGPoint* Position = [AXLibGetWindowPosition init]..etc.

    and if it was Swift:

    var Position = ...etc.
  • 4
    @7Raiden @RAPTURED @gitpush it's Objective-C++ (.mm file extension targeting the C++ compilation unit of the Objective-C compiler) with a makro at the beginning defining static as internal (#define internal static)
    src: https://github.com/koekeishiya/...
  • 1
    @HIGHphen That's very interesting thanks :)
  • 3
    I remember when it came out that someoone used "FUCKAPPLE" in whatsapps source Code
  • 1
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