
This happened sometime back..

A guy came to our university with a social network that he created. It was for students and professors to interact, to form study groups and earn points as they mark done topic as "studied". He made a deal with our university, so everyone was forced to sign up for this.

While he was giving a demo of the website, me and my friend started ranting.

"This website is shit. Why are we forced to use this?"

"This UI looks just like LinkedIn"

"This top bar is right out of bootstrap"

"I have seen that graph in one of the libraries. He didn't even change the defaults."

Another friend who was sitting besides us was hearing all this.

"I don't understand a word you guys are talking. It is too high level for me"

We replied, "Don't worry. We will talk in low level. 00101110010101..."

  • 4
    To be honest I would rant about ur behavior. And in his position kick u from the presentation.
  • 1
    Why bother? They can force you all they want but nothing is stopping you from using a fake email and info then deleting it right after they stop bothering you.
  • 0
    @noogli For such a useless website, I think I did just fine. Had anyone from the adminstration were to listen to me, I would have told them too.

    @AtiLion that's exactly what I did
  • 0
    F@xnor indeed, why a professional shpuld bother to put our of work and crafting care in a demo website? Copy and paste and do it as fast as you can
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