So I've just graduated as a cse , I'm looking for a job and asides that I'm learning devops. Any advice or suggestions for learning devops??

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    Jenkins and Travis is possibly the most used tools for setting up build-pipelines, and looking into infrastructure-as-code, configmanagement tools like chef, ansible and puppet will get you started. Also Docker is a must, some variant of Kubernetes (k8s) will help, and possibly take a look at platforms like Openshift Origin, Cloud Foundry and even Pivotal Container Services (PKS).

    Depends a bit on the target market you are going to tweak your resume against really. Origin gives you a lot for free, but can be a fucker to deploy, though not as much as rolling an equivalent feature set alone. Docker with docker compose, some k8s and pipelines for deployments is the best bet to start with i guess... Automate that git!
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    @Hakash thank you very much for an in-sight to devops. I've started with Jenkins and familiar with git. Still a long way to go I guess
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    @saurabh96 Happy to help ๐Ÿ˜Š Truth is, I've got the same path to go. Started with Docker, puppet and Origin due to work requirements, next up is automation with some tool. Might not be one of the big ones that gets picked here, probably a cloudy one like Circle CI or something.

    Also don't forget; monitor the shit out of that application to catch bug early and try to automate failures.
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    @Hakash ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
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    @Hakash In the end, any specific application are you talking about to find bugs and automate?
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    @saurabh96 well, devops traditionally means you have an app you make that you also need to make sure runs. The term is however starting to be misused by pure ops for meaning automated building and deployment, even if the term really is about culture and sharing the resposibility for the app between the dev and the ops by having them work in the same team, making ops do some coding and the devs do some ops. Mutual understanding and ownership makes the blame-game vanish and everyone pulls in the same durection ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    @Hakash Ok. Thanks again. ,๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜„
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