I've always just done CSS on my own by hand for every project because I thought it would improve my skills over time but now I've discovered Bulma with it's sass variables and responsiveness and things are just so pretty now, I never want to go back

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    Shitstorm in
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    @Wombat yeah I can feel it coming too
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    @ewpratten Has reported this rant for improper use of tags
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    @ewpratten Didn't realise actually. Sorry
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    @ewpratten shame on you :< That sounds so mean

    @meowijuanas Sass is love. Couple this with Susy for a css grid and you can make amazing things and update them soo easily. CSS can be a nightmare at times, but you can make it almost enjoyable to work with with the right tools.

    Frameworks like Bulma definitely make it easier, and add sexy components. (But don't forget that you could write a simplified version of it, too!)
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