
To save server cost and developers' productivity, devRant should have an intentional downtime of 3 to 6 hours daily :3

  • 3
    @LastDigitOfPi but it is not like they are asleep though :3
  • 7
    It should be like Sprint of fifteen minutes after every few hours at random
  • 5
    FYI dfox ++ed this huehuehue
  • 4
    @LastDigitOfPi having woken up at ~23:00 yesterday and the current time being 6:39, I can reaffirm that there are people who work during the night 😋

    With that said, timezones.. how would this deal with that? Or better yet, how would it deal with those (like me) with sleeping schedules that are all over the place? 🤔
  • 1
    @Condor we shall create a universal time format before implementing this feature :3
  • 0
    @smallTalker Isnt there that swatch time thingy?
  • 0
    Depending on where they host, it might not be so cost effective (i.e. GCP)
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