
I remember my first software engineer internship, the boss was terrible. He was cheap and only hired interns we had 0 guidance. This mother fucker would say shit in meetings like "hey we should start providing DBAAS, similar to DynamoDB start researching it I want a prototype by Wednesday" Wtf this guy is nuts. The overall product was suppose to be a fucking virtual machine hosting platform to compete with AWS, Digital Ocean, RackSpace etc designed by BS computer science interns lol. This guy tells us in a meeting one day "You know what's the difference between those guys (the competitors) and us?" We all looked around lost. This pompous ass hole says "Me , that's the difference you guys have me " 😂 what a fucking joke , not to mention all he has is a shitty math degree from a bullshit no name college in India, no developing experience what so ever. Man o man I never met anyone that was so fucking stupid but thought they were so fucking smart

  • 4
    Get the fuck out of there quiiiiiiiick!!!
  • 5
    Well, technically he's right. The difference (or one of them at least) is him...
  • 2
    I was out of there to quick who the fucks builds a platform better than AWS using all Open Stack 😂
  • 2
    golden rule: once he mentions india he needs to proof himself if he wants to be taken seriously
  • 1
    😂😂😂 I learned that the hard way iceman
  • 0
    @iceman Thats racist :/
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