
A more experienced friend told me
"don't be a pussy, test in production"

I'm the one fixing the bugs, not him

  • 1
    That is bad advice.
  • 5
    "work on the car engine while you drive it down the freeway! don't be a pussy!"
  • 3
    Yes always test in production server. It's like wiring a house with the electricity on!
  • 0
    Tell him to take ownership of his shit. If he's breaking it, then he has to fix it.
  • 2
    Haha well, test is luxuary most us doesn't have. I spend at least 40% of my time cleaning up after all the idi*ts where I work. Recently spent 10 days cleaning up our data warehouse after The analysets did a 'minor change' to a production system, ninja commit + deploy style, a Friday at 16:55 :) Problem is that without good company-wide reporting/followup, the cost of puttning out fires gets hidden and the madness continues :) Combine that with the technical debt collected during the last 7-10 yrs (you know the 'this is just a hacky pilot/PoC' that then got into production, todo's and 'will fix later'....). Also all legacysystems that needs TLC on a weekly basis, I would say my team spends less than 10% on new features. Today was thursday and we have only fixed broken things so far this week :D
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    @donkeyScript you'll find the bad wiring though!
  • 1
    @siljamicke haha true. Living on the edge. Cowboy Coding
  • 0
    An old and experienced colleague of mine used to say the same thing, word for word. *suspicious*
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