
have been using Windows in my laptop for over 5 years. This is the first time it has happened. This should not have happened :@

  • 2
    @bigus-dickus I'm trying with Windows in a pendrive.
    but I'm unable to get to the boot menu (or whatever it is called) (the thing we get when F8 or F12 is pressed during booting)
  • 2
    what to do?
  • 0
    If you have any files that are not backed up, boot to Linux to try and salvage them.
  • 1
    How else are they going to sell you another shitty pc?
  • 0
    @gsn16 try all the keys on your keyboard just as your computer boots (escape, F1-12, etc...)
  • 3
    thank all.
    @c3ypt1c @electrineer @bigus-dickus
    the Lenovo had a secret button which on pressing gave me the option to open boot menu.
    #puzzle #solved #lenovo
  • 0
    *Windows Kernel Error*
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