Aye i know we got a few musicians here, what daw do you recommend for a beginner? Im tryna use lmms right now and its not bad but there might be better ones. Main direction would be dubstep. Windows is fine and id keep it free or under $50 if possible.

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    I enjoy using StudioOne and there's quite a lot you can do with the artist version.

    But if you are a developer and line tweaking stuff take a look at Reaper.fm
    You can customize the heck out of it to have it functions exactly the way you want. The downside is that the defaults are a little awkward... But after some time on the forum you can have an incredible work flow, very power and light mixing engine (not Cubase sucking all your ram...) and custom down to writing your own dsp effects if you so choose! I definitively recommend it!
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