Dear devRant:

What is your favourite color scheme?

I've been trying gruvbox over a month and I like the softer colors and the retro 70's feel. I had been on solarized for over 3 years before making the switch.

What do you like to use? Post screenshots!

  • 4
    I'm using monokai sharp in VScode it comes from monokai sharp theme by FMS_Cat on the extension "store" it looks good with rust, I didn't really check what it looks like in other langs.
  • 9
    Material Palenight 🔥
  • 6
    pink cat boo <3 on vsc

    monokai for online coding
  • 10
    Soul Black
    It's really nice to the eyes
  • 5
    @ceee confusion server?😂
  • 3
    @leksyib 😅 conFusion
    It was a little "make along the course" project.
  • 2
    here's cobalt.... just started using it, love it... gonna check out gruvbox
  • 0
    Monokai pro (the spectrum variant I think) on vs code, nice and bright colors
  • 1
    Switching between Monokai and Ayu in VSCode.
    Like both of them, and can't decide.

    For NeoVim it's mainly Monokai.
  • 1
    Dracula dark 😍
  • 1
    Well now I'm using gruvbox.. I was on dark (visual studio)
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