
Sometimes when I'm telling my boss how to do something on his computer or I am watching him explaining something to me and he seems like a fucking lost infant that never used a fucking computer in his life I just wanna say loud and firmly:

"What the fuck man? Can't you fucking just click this shit already? Your fucking mouse pointer is on it already, click this motherfucker for once!"

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    Non-tech manager?
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    @FahadAlt this motherfucker is the lead dev
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    @hell I would hate him so much!
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    @FahadAlt yeah, the other day he was testing the api on http://localhost and changed the db connection to another address so he tried to http://anotheradress for it to work...

    Me and another dev were watching that shit almost screaming to his face but calmly saying: no dude, you are still accessing the code running on localhost...its just the db connection that changed.

    I think he might be in serious mental decay.
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    @hell how did he even become a lead?!

    Don’t let the Juniors learn from him please!
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    @FahadAlt he was the first one of the team :)

    And I try really hard to let others don't learn from him but I noticed they already noticed he is a dumb fuck when it comes to tech
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