
Back to using WSL because I suck at installing windows apps on Wine (and that I can't seem to connect to a WiFi with PEAP on Linux that the network admin know how to except on Windows).

So can't exactly rice Windows. I know I can with raindock and all that but its not the same as Linux. So I'm on WSL, installed tmux and wouldn't you know it, I found plenty of dot tmux files on Github.

But alas, its not the same as i3wm but its close.

  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere wtfutil.com
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    What's the awesome clock into the bottom right of the pic?
  • 1
    @th4t tty-clock
  • 3
    Hollywood hacker mode. You are one apt update away from being a complete Hollywood hacker
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere your welcome
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    @ausername I'm here trying to guess what it is but it can't be random ping or curl parrot.live. apt-get update -y? curl cht.sh/:intro? Hmmm
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    Wpa-enterprise should work tho. Often times there are certs missing. E.g. here in Germany the Telekom root can is often used but not installed by default.
  • 0
    @haxti doesn't work. 😓
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