
I've just found an article that states that MS Office 2016 can now be installed on Ubuntu using CrossOver, which is the version of wine one has to pay for.
Is there some version of wine or an alternative which is free and allows me to do this?

Yes, I know the alternatives of online MS, google docs, libre office and whatnot, so spare me these comments please.
(ref: https://omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/12/...)

  • 1
    Crossover Office is super old. I'm surprised they still sell it.

    Have you tried installing Office with regular Wine? It should just work.
  • 3
    WPS Office is the office suite that I'm using on my Arch laptop. Proprietary, but it looks modern and very similar to MS Office 🙂
  • 2
    Well... do you know WPS Office, too? 😂

    But it seems it's possible 🤔

    😂 Just the same idea...
  • 1
    @LeFlawk I just got the 14 day trial and so far it seems buggy af. If it ends up working fluently, I will. So far, it doesn't look too well.

    I'm curious if there are alternatives. I'm not against paying for it.
  • 2
    @Irithyll not yet. But this is a helpful answer I can work with. Otherwise I'd get at least 10+ ppl pointing me to google ^^'
  • 1
    @djsumdog I tried a while ago and it didn't support the 2016 version, but I'll check again then.
  • 0
    Try to move and accept Open Source World 😂
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